About Yvette Bell
As a child, with challenging childhood experiences, I wanted to become so many different things when I grew up. A teacher, lawyer, actress, CEO, NBA player, president of the United States, but Miss America topped them all. And although I dabbled in "MANY" activities that could lead me down anyone of those paths, I never found my niche in any of them. Now don't get me wrong, I didn't say I wasn't good at them.
I could have continued to pursue the previously stated dreams and settled for being good or choose to identify a life calling to be great at. I chose the later. It took me a number of years, certifications, trainings, failing forward, trauma's and coaches to arrive at this decision. That is to figure out a way my lived experiences and developed skill sets could positively transform lives. My path forward was made clear. I found my authentic calling. Something I thrive at and find deep fulfillment, helping others!
Many women, just as myself, are looking to change the paradigm of their lives. We have tried countless techniques, spent years seeking someone willing to help us accomplish career, biblical, and relational goals. Once I found the right coach, they helped me to shift the trajectory of my life. It has become my goal to become that same support arm for women.
After supporting individuals for over 30 years, to represent the Kingdom of God in their personal lives and in the marketplace, I am excited about the opportunity to assist women in moving their goals from vision to reality.
As a certified transitional coach with Expert Rating Life Coaching, a John Maxwell leadership team member, over 30 years of executive and church leadership, I look forward to supporting women in their own personal transformation.